Our in-house mapping department utilizes the most comprehensive suite of mapping applications available to prepare detailed maps and perform data analysis to meet all of your needs. Blanchard & Associates GIS operators are highly trained and stay current on new technology, with a commitment to maintaining the highest standard in this area. In addition, we continues to make significant investments in mapping equipment, software and ongoing education for our data managers.
From simple plats to play-based maps, our GIS team has the knowledge and experience to efficiently produce high-quality map products and data sets to meet the needs of any project. Our data library of parcels, wells and lease data is extensive, and allows for quick start up on new projects.
Our Services Offered Include, but are not limited to:
- Lease & Production/Permitting Activity Mapping
- Permit Plats
- 3D Lidar Digital elevation modeling (DEM)
- X,Y Data Conversion
- Well Location and Analysis
- Metes And Bounds and Quarter Call Descriptions
- CAD Conversion
- Data Analysis
- Model Building